ORCID iDs are unique identifiers assigned to individual scholars and researchers. Using an ORCID allows your manuscripts, grants, and other scholarship to be more discoverable and integrated within larger research networks.

Get an ORCID iD!

Click the button below to create a new ORCID iD (if you don't already have one)
and connect it to The University of Arizona.

Create/Connect ORCID iD


ORCID iDs are the preeminent vehicle for identifying and connecting researchers and scholarship. ORCID is an external agency that creates and manages these identifiers. ORCIDs are also commonly required by publishers and external funders. The University of Arizona has integrated ORCID with UA Vitae to enable a seamless syncing of data between the two agencies, making your research more discoverable.

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If you have questions about getting an ORCID, how it will be used by the University of Arizona, or any other related questions, please contact us at orcid-support@list.arizona.edu.

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